17 Eylül 2024 Salı




ISPARTA'da çekildiği iddia edilen ve iple bağladıkları köpeğin kulaklarını kestikleri fotoğrafları sosyal medyada paylaşan 2 kişi,büyük tepkiye neden oldu.

ISPARTA Belediye Başkanı Yusuf Ziya Günaydın yaptığı açıklamada ise; “İlimizde 2 kendini bilmez tarafından masum köpeğe yapılan eziyet ile ilgili basın açıklamasıdır. Sosyal medyada yer alan bir paylaşımda,ilimizde bulunan iki şahsın, sahibi oldukları köpeğe ettikleri eziyet ve zulüm ile ilgili vatandaşlarımızın duyarlılığını tebrik ve taktir ediyorum. Tüm insanlık özelliklerini kaybederek savunmasız bir hayvana edilen zulümle ilgili gereken tüm çalışmalar yapılmaktadır. 5199 Sayılı Hayvanları Koruma Kanunu 8'inci maddesi 'ev ve süs hayvanların dış görünüşünü değiştirmeye yönelik veya diğer tedavi edici olmayan kuyruk ve kulak kesilmesi, ses tellerinin alınması ve tırnak ve dişlerin sökülmesine yönelik cerrahi müdahale yapılması yasaktır'hükmünü taşıyor. Isparta Belediyesi olarak yetkimiz sokak hayvanlarına yöneliktir. Bu türlü sahipli hayvanlarda yetki Orman ve Su İşleri Bakanlığı’ndadır. Ancak, bu şehrin Belediye Başkanı olarak ilgili şahısların cezalandırılması ve köpeğin sağlığına kavuşturulması için tüm imkanlarımız seferber edilmiştir.

Orman ve Su İşleri Müdürlüğü Milli Parklar Şubesi ile Zabıta birimimiz ortak hareket etmektedir. Söz konusu köpeğin tedavisinin yapılması için nakil aracımız görevlendirilmiştir.

Köpeğe eziyet eden şahısların bulunup cezalandırılması içinde adli birimler gerekeni muhakkak yapacaktır.



Güvenlik Kodu



06 Mart 2024 Çarşamba 17:08

Hello from Happykiddi.

Edward Brock

21 Nisan 2020 Salı 07:52

Dogs are man's best friend they never deserve to be treated in such a vicious brutal way. Please take action against these two barbaric individuals. Studies show that humans that harm animals would not hesitate to do the same to humans.

Brenda Barber

25 Ekim 2019 Cuma 18:25

I cannot see where to sign the petition!

Cheryl Koenig

21 Ekim 2019 Pazartesi 06:13

I bet youre really looking hard! Theyre names and p****os as well as evidence right there!!

sonbahar Lann

23 Eylül 2019 Pazartesi 05:14

Bu şimdiye kadar karşılaştığım en acımasız en acımasız şey olmalı, lütfen bu hasta bireyleri cezalandırın

Christina rae

18 Eylül 2019 Çarşamba 11:19

Christina Rae

Billie Howell

24 Mart 2019 Pazar 22:30

I will never be able to forget this horror. Were is this poor baby now?


24 Mart 2019 Pazar 10:30

signed - go and punnish them

Gamma Lala

23 Mart 2019 Cumartesi 08:26

UNBELIEVABLE !There is NO excuse for this behaviour.I hope these two THUGS get what they deserve!Punish these brutes!

Ed Carruthers

22 Mart 2019 Cuma 23:55

Cut off their ears..!


22 Mart 2019 Cuma 16:44



22 Mart 2019 Cuma 01:07

Omg I dont speak the language but in any language this is true horror to anyone. I hope this country will do something about these people. You always hear how people who can do these things to animals are definetely sociopathes? did I misspell Im sure I did. But in what they say these kinds of humans are and have the ability to hurt anyone or anything for their own pleasure feeling no emotion. The kinds of people who really really need to be in an institutions for the rest of their lives.


22 Mart 2019 Cuma 00:53

Please give this dog the revenge he deserves. Put them in jail for life.

Hunter lewis

22 Mart 2019 Cuma 00:45

Please stop these horror people!!

Angel Shain

21 Mart 2019 Perşembe 18:02

Please punish these two, PLEASE.


21 Mart 2019 Perşembe 05:31

Jade Kinkaid

Donyell Murphy

21 Mart 2019 Perşembe 00:59

Please punish these men for this henious act

Patricia Beukes

20 Mart 2019 Çarşamba 12:07

I would chop THEM up and slowly too, the monstrous bastards!!

Nora v

19 Mart 2019 Salı 22:06

i'ts terrible!!! they defenitily belong in jail!!!

Marc O.

19 Mart 2019 Salı 20:02

Unfortunately, justice will not allow the same torture enacted on them. However, an appropriate jail time (possibly 20 years, if not longer) a financial penalty for both the crime and punitive damages, a new law (possibly international) , which states the minimal penalties including jail and financial, and to be placed on a registry (just like ****ual predators) .


17 Mart 2019 Pazar 21:39

Hello there,My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at bomba32.com promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ? We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers. Our resource links are manually approved allowing us to mark a link as a do-follow link as well.If you may be interested please in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know.Thanks,Aly

Tanya Cross

17 Mart 2019 Pazar 19:18

They belong in prison!

Heather Curtis

16 Mart 2019 Cumartesi 20:21

This should NEVER happen!

They both should go to jail . Justce for the beaut

13 Mart 2019 Çarşamba 09:37

Margaritta Doubovtzeff

Ahleeya pettaway

13 Mart 2019 Çarşamba 08:04

This was a monstrous act , how can an innocent puppies pain be your pleasure ? Lock them up and throw away the key


07 Mart 2019 Perşembe 03:22

Hi there!I was told that you are using Yoggy's Money Vault E-Mail Scraper. Would you recommend it? Is it good for gathering leads?I was given your site on an SEO forum.Cheers mate. Look forward to hearing from you as I want to buy the software.


20 Şubat 2019 Çarşamba 01:48

Hi there!I was told that you are using Yoggy's Money Vault E-Mail Scraper. Would you recommend it? Is it good for gathering leads?I was given your site on an SEO forum.Cheers mate. Look forward to hearing from you as I want to buy the software.

April S.

22 Kasım 2018 Perşembe 22:10

This is absolutely HORRIBLE. These two, and all others for that matter, who abuse animals in the way they have & continue to do should be punished in much the same way as the dog or dogs they have mamed!!!!

Loriann Gordon

21 Kasım 2018 Çarşamba 00:40

Please post updates on the state of the dog. We civilized people hope these lunatics are taken out of the general population and locked up. They are dangerous and go. It belong in society.

Glenda Hunter

20 Kasım 2018 Salı 04:47

You are cruel punks. Time in jail may do you good, but I don't know. A psyc****ic person that hurts animals soon goes on to hurting people. My opinion, dogs are people too. Hope you enjoy jail.


18 Kasım 2018 Pazar 04:48

Anabela Azevedo


17 Kasım 2018 Cumartesi 04:59

You disgusting MFers I hope you rot. And someone should cut your ears off and watch you bleed in the street. You wanna be a tough guy youre nothing but pusssies

Eliana Reina

16 Kasım 2018 Cuma 17:51


De luiz

14 Kasım 2018 Çarşamba 02:41

C est ignoble et ça terni l image de la Turquie !


13 Kasım 2018 Salı 00:12

Jessica Varo-Mana


11 Kasım 2018 Pazar 00:30



10 Kasım 2018 Cumartesi 10:24

This is sad they treat animals like that they did not deserve that at all


09 Kasım 2018 Cuma 22:05

uřezat uši, svázat, odsoudit


09 Kasım 2018 Cuma 21:13

This is disgusting! You think its okay to cut a puppy's ears off! Well news flash, grow tf up bc hurting someone or something is the worst thing you could ever do. You should be ashamed for what you did. I really hope someone comes up to u and cuts ur ****ing ears off, and takes a selfie with u and posts it. The dog didn't do shit to u. people r so damn heartless....


09 Kasım 2018 Cuma 03:28

Monica Andrea

Carly Davies

08 Kasım 2018 Perşembe 21:39

Carly Davis’s

Paula Martin

08 Kasım 2018 Perşembe 14:08

Barbarians! Cut off all money to this country. Low life punks; so brave these two...cut up a dog that's tied up. I hope someone in your country does the same to you and you die a slow death from infection! The government needs to take action. Do this to an animal-do it to a human being.

Prince saxena

06 Kasım 2018 Salı 21:04

I'm against of animals abuse. I hate it i want to stop all of this from the world.


06 Kasım 2018 Salı 12:46

They both deserve punishment. Poor animal :(

Nala Joon

05 Kasım 2018 Pazartesi 20:31

This is so disturbing and disgusting

Ühmüd Mühmüd idiot

04 Kasım 2018 Pazar 01:26

Fck this nation! They are all primitiv gipsys! I would never support them! Burn in hell you goat fckers! burn!


04 Kasım 2018 Pazar 01:15

They will burn in Hell! Fckng idiot Turkish gipsys!!!

Sabrina Guitart

02 Kasım 2018 Cuma 21:27

This is a crime against animals and human dignity


02 Kasım 2018 Cuma 14:13

Punish these evil menJennifer sager


28 Ekim 2018 Pazar 17:53

then do it and don't protect them. lije hiding them or saying you can't find them.


24 Ağustos 2018 Cuma 08:47


kristy bakes

31 Temmuz 2018 Salı 22:12

These poor excuses as human being should have there ear's and hands cut off I pray that puppy is OK. This stuff aggravates me these things n that ****ture isn't even human being I hope they catch them and punish them 10x worst


20 Mart 2018 Salı 05:18

Wendy Morgan


19 Mart 2018 Pazartesi 17:02

michelle decosse


19 Mart 2018 Pazartesi 01:37

Trash of being Human ?? They are not monsters in charge of people !!! no heart....or drugged ,,, only out of their state of reality, could commit such atrocities ..... in Islam ?? break your hands, no ?? I agree, with the instrument that practiced, will stay the rest of life amputated too .... I would take their ears too .... their homeless without having to spend time ?? they will have their time to take shape, when they leave to the side of there, where everything takes shape. Justice of God!

james hayden

16 Mart 2018 Cuma 07:58

America at first i thought they were from here i been asking anybody to give me their address but their not from america see in our prisons there are three thing that will make someone whis they were dead child molesters (getting gangbanged raped the whole time your there), cruelty to dogs (gets you killed), and the rape of old women (gets you raped and murdered) i think all three of them need to happen to all three of them pussies

Coral Henney

15 Mart 2018 Perşembe 18:52

These people are sick and evil. Poor baby dog, hope he was rescued.

Katy Reid

15 Mart 2018 Perşembe 11:43

Id like to thank whoever posted these ****tures of these ignorant cowards online

cheryl czech

15 Mart 2018 Perşembe 11:35

cut one of their ears off so they can hear themselves crying like the low down bastards they are lock them up and throw away key seize any and all their personal belongings nto pay fine


15 Mart 2018 Perşembe 01:24



14 Mart 2018 Çarşamba 21:46


United States

14 Mart 2018 Çarşamba 19:34

Suzanne Bradford


14 Mart 2018 Çarşamba 09:35

Sick bastards, I hope someone cuts their ears off. Better yet just kill them and remove a little extra trash from this world.

Denise C.

14 Mart 2018 Çarşamba 08:15

these two fn morbid freaks need their ears and **** and nuts cut off!!! they needto be put in prison 4 life w/ their ears cut off!@

Sharon Boughner

14 Mart 2018 Çarşamba 02:57

This is horrible treatment of a helpless animal. These men should be punished severely!!!


14 Mart 2018 Çarşamba 02:24

cut their ears off !!!

DJ New Zealand

14 Mart 2018 Çarşamba 00:05

If losing a dog fight lead to the dogs ears being cut off, put each of the scumbags, one at a time, in the ring with the winning dog, and see who loses. Then as a result of losing, cut their ears off. If they are still grinning after that, use the knife and keep cutting......

they need to rot in hell

13 Mart 2018 Salı 17:24

Vicki Barkley-Bass

Cynthia Biser

13 Mart 2018 Salı 15:52

I personally want to cut their ears off, inhumane unconscionable bastards! Bet their parents are proud (NOT)! Just horrific! What the hell is wrong with this generation? No compassion, no regret or remorse. Dogs are loyal, give unconditional love and this is how they are repaid? Unsure why I cannot translate to english. Hope I am completing petition correctly. Cynthia Biser

Nancy Cafarelli

13 Mart 2018 Salı 04:59

cut their ears off


13 Mart 2018 Salı 02:37

Cut off those idiots ears as well.. disgusting hukan beings they deserve the worse punishment possible


12 Mart 2018 Pazartesi 23:59

Wait for them in the dark.. SICK THUGS,.. SPECIAL PLACE IN HELL FOR THEM

American Justice

12 Mart 2018 Pazartesi 22:22

Tough guys, come out and face us. Let's see if you are a coward. We already know the answer, but- face actual punishment in the street.

melanie mcginn

12 Mart 2018 Pazartesi 22:06

disgusting subhuman behaviour, cut their ears off in public !


12 Mart 2018 Pazartesi 21:35

so cruel what they did to the dog :( they must be punish so they can't do it to other animals to any body els


12 Mart 2018 Pazartesi 20:11

litle gungsters should be punished

William Lamoreaux

12 Mart 2018 Pazartesi 19:10

Horrific. These guys can be found easily. Drag them into the streets and the good people of Turkey and the law punish them severely. This is part of a dog fighting ring that cuts off the ears and tails of the dogs so the other dogs cannot get a hold of them. Total brutality. Make severe your laws to stop them.


12 Mart 2018 Pazartesi 19:05

Sick sick sick uneducated unhuman bastards should burn, no place for creatures like this on earth.


12 Mart 2018 Pazartesi 12:51

Vicky Hollinshead

Gladys Felker

12 Mart 2018 Pazartesi 08:53

NO animal should be treated like this!!


12 Mart 2018 Pazartesi 05:19

This made me cry and I am so angry that there are people walking around this earth that are capable of such a horrendous act. That poor poor dog. Dogs are so loving and trusting creatures, that anyone could harm them is beyond comprehension. I would love to do to them what they did to this poor animal.

Gdzie są władze tego kraju że nie reagują na takie

12 Mart 2018 Pazartesi 01:00



12 Mart 2018 Pazartesi 00:58

Danuta Radwańska Vollus Gdzie są władze tego kraju że nie reagują na takie okrucieństwo !


11 Mart 2018 Pazar 23:22

Fred Furlong


11 Mart 2018 Pazar 20:24

cut off there ears

cut of there ears for the punishment

11 Mart 2018 Pazar 20:21

herby miller


11 Mart 2018 Pazar 20:00

Julie Vesovic

And b

11 Mart 2018 Pazar 19:42

I hope they get what they deserve!!!!! Pieces of shit!!!! Wish someone would cut there ears off!!

And b

11 Mart 2018 Pazar 19:42

I hope they get what they deserve!!!!! Pieces of shit!!!! Wish someone would cut there ears off!!


11 Mart 2018 Pazar 16:27


Pinky Kurth

11 Mart 2018 Pazar 08:15

Please pinish them.This is sick!

Maria G

10 Mart 2018 Cumartesi 21:43

Someone please do something to them


10 Mart 2018 Cumartesi 18:19

These thugs should be killed for what they did to this poor innocent dog! No excuse


10 Mart 2018 Cumartesi 16:36


Ира Мустаева

10 Mart 2018 Cumartesi 10:27

Надо наказать лишением свободы.


10 Mart 2018 Cumartesi 09:52

This is sad and tragic and these giys should be punished and serve time


10 Mart 2018 Cumartesi 09:46

Paul MillerThese guys should certuanly serve time

Palam Singh

10 Mart 2018 Cumartesi 08:27

very sad to seen why not cut these guys hands and ears also

Eva K

10 Mart 2018 Cumartesi 06:59

This is so very disturbing I don't know when I will get over this, so I came here to sign a petition and there is none. I say cut off their ears then hang them upside down and forget them. I would like to know how is the dog?


10 Mart 2018 Cumartesi 05:55

Someone please find this dog and take it to the vet. These guys don't need to be able to own anymore animals. They need to pay a big fine and have jail time.


10 Mart 2018 Cumartesi 05:40


$4000+ REWARD

10 Mart 2018 Cumartesi 04:04

$4,000 for each ear of the two parasites that did this to this poor furbaby.. must be videotaped and ****tures taken $1k for anything extra depending what else is done and i will keep the tape this my dirty little secret


10 Mart 2018 Cumartesi 02:22

i want these two ****s dead, tortured, then hit with a machette

Ann Wilson

10 Mart 2018 Cumartesi 01:14

These two should be found and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I hope they both die a horrifically painful death.

Catherine La Brun

10 Mart 2018 Cumartesi 00:43

My English is not good. But it is not important. This is a brutal and cruel act towards a dog. Piest is dependent on man. These two men are no longer people. These are beasts without scruples. They do not know mercy. The law also should not show any mercy for them. Beasts should also be cut off with their beasts. And przeciasc nerves in the hands. That they never hurt anyone before. The law must have more severe penalties for abusing the animals.

S. Simmons

09 Mart 2018 Cuma 19:41

These 2 guys need to be handled. I hope they don't get away with this !!!


09 Mart 2018 Cuma 18:35

The petition:https://www.dailypetition.com/Punish-thugs-that-cut-dogs-ears-off-and-posed-for-p****os-t-745

Essie Krueger

09 Mart 2018 Cuma 17:28

These people need to spend years in prison, hopefully they have been found to prevent this from happening to other animals.

Debra gibbs

09 Mart 2018 Cuma 10:44

They need to go to prison but first cut off what little **** they think they have.


09 Mart 2018 Cuma 09:20

Disgusting, what kind of people do this.


09 Mart 2018 Cuma 08:00

Dixie Lee McClellsn


09 Mart 2018 Cuma 05:49

I hope they die a slow painful death.

Katia Braca

09 Mart 2018 Cuma 05:32

Disgusting people should get punished for the cruelty of this poor animal


09 Mart 2018 Cuma 02:29

Does anyone have an update on what is going on with this?


09 Mart 2018 Cuma 01:16


Brigitte Stevens

09 Mart 2018 Cuma 00:51

Words just can not describe how I feel about this pair.

please hang them for this

08 Mart 2018 Perşembe 23:50

Christine LaVita

Karen Reinhaard

08 Mart 2018 Perşembe 21:15

An eye for an eye, so I would say, cut the dog abusers suffer the same fate as the poor dog endured and then send them off to prison for a long time. In fact if I lived close enough and knew these people the law wouldn't have to worry about punishing them, I would take care of them myself


08 Mart 2018 Perşembe 21:13

Omg! Justice for the poor puppy! These guys should be locked up!!!

That Dog Guy

08 Mart 2018 Perşembe 20:24

Dogs are as intelligent as a 2-3 year old child, in fact their emotional capacity is likely to be higher. What punishment would the men receive for cutting the ears off a child?

jill pancione

08 Mart 2018 Perşembe 13:04

There are so many scum bags out there, this is 2 of them. How can anyone do this, they are really sick.

mary Chelinski

08 Mart 2018 Perşembe 11:33

These two men have lost all traces of a human soul. Their actions are hideous and the world would be a better place without them in it. Capable of such a hideous act, what hope is there for any positive future contribution to society? There is none. There are all kinds of criminal acts that are born from inequality and which lead me to have hope for those involved. This action, is depraved in the extreme and I cannot believe there is a way back for either of the men. They are soulless.

debra pack

08 Mart 2018 Perşembe 05:11

they should have their ears cut off...then send to prison

Sharon O’Malley

08 Mart 2018 Perşembe 04:05

Lock them up for life and throw away the key. Scumbags!!


08 Mart 2018 Perşembe 03:54

disgusting heartless scum

Evelyn Hall

08 Mart 2018 Perşembe 03:39


Wounded Eagle

08 Mart 2018 Perşembe 03:26

I would be honored to do the same to these devils. The dog is far more worthy of life than them.

E M Murphy

08 Mart 2018 Perşembe 02:49

Punish these barbaric people severely...

Marczi i

08 Mart 2018 Perşembe 02:12

i wish the same fate for the to ipocrits


08 Mart 2018 Perşembe 01:45

Julie Anast

James Johnson

08 Mart 2018 Perşembe 00:44

They better get a large fine and jail time


07 Mart 2018 Çarşamba 20:48

prison? (only if its life with no parole ever) rather cut THEIR ears off nick an artery then through those guys in a ditch.... theres no help for that kind of sick.

Kelly Simmons

07 Mart 2018 Çarşamba 19:31

SO sad and very scary that they are capable of this. They definitely should be punished and I very much hope this poor dog was found by someone and taken care of. Heartbreaking.

Dani ely

07 Mart 2018 Çarşamba 19:05

Put these people in jail. This sickens me to see such cruelty done to an animal

Wayne Arcuri

07 Mart 2018 Çarşamba 14:57

Bring these 2 men to justice


07 Mart 2018 Çarşamba 01:08

How can people be so cruel, these's babies are Innocent and all they want is our love. Please!! put these's two in jail where they belong, Cut off there ear's see how they like it. Hope the puppy was well taken care of :(

Lara Lamberti

07 Mart 2018 Çarşamba 00:10

God punishes who voluntarily causes pain. All God’s creatures. These people have to be punished by law. They’re ethical and m**** outcast.

untied states

07 Mart 2018 Çarşamba 00:03

caydence janousek


06 Mart 2018 Salı 19:47


Kristina Omerovic

06 Mart 2018 Salı 14:22

Scum like these two, should have their ears cut off, and be left to bleed to death in a cage. They should not be allowed to breathe the same air we do. An eye for an eye.

david ruse

06 Mart 2018 Salı 12:22

shoot the scum

linda storey

06 Mart 2018 Salı 01:19

where is the petition???


05 Mart 2018 Pazartesi 22:57

elendige Bastarde

Justin D

05 Mart 2018 Pazartesi 16:50

Where do I sign the damn petition?It went from 1 mil to 2 mil,wtf?I want these two behind bars for a long,long time.Cowards.Come to me,and I'd cut your hands off,you monsters.


30 Ocak 2018 Salı 21:56

take a complaint, find a dog, give him a medical help


30 Ocak 2018 Salı 21:54

take a complaint, find a dog, give him a medical help

Tre Britton

28 Kasım 2017 Salı 03:41

Lock them up and help the dog

Tre Britton

28 Kasım 2017 Salı 03:40

These psychopaths need to be brought to justice and locked up for animal and human safety. Also the poor dog needs to be found and helped.

sue mcauley

21 Kasım 2017 Salı 22:25

Punish these thugs and find the poor dog

Katharina M.

09 Eylül 2017 Cumartesi 05:59



07 Eylül 2017 Perşembe 19:09



07 Eylül 2017 Perşembe 19:08



07 Eylül 2017 Perşembe 19:08



07 Eylül 2017 Perşembe 06:06

Punish them


07 Eylül 2017 Perşembe 06:05


Hang them

06 Eylül 2017 Çarşamba 08:09

John carey


06 Eylül 2017 Çarşamba 04:48

These boy-men need to suffer the full consequences of their cruel and irreparable actions to this dog. I wonder how many other animals they have tortured or killed? I hope there are very strict laws where this happened and that the laws are ENFORCED.


06 Eylül 2017 Çarşamba 04:06

Please punish these people.


05 Eylül 2017 Salı 01:00

I want to kill these boys with my guns.

Jonathan Pope

08 Ağustos 2017 Salı 17:59

Can I come and punish them please?? Oh please let me, I want to give them a good ol slap.

Michael Dumoulin

05 Ağustos 2017 Cumartesi 03:40

Punish these heartless fools.

Planet Earth

17 Temmuz 2017 Pazartesi 09:30

Just hearing about this in July. Who knows what they have done that we don't know about!


06 Temmuz 2017 Perşembe 23:11

I am so disappointed in the things some people do, we are supposed to be a kind loving and intelligent species. Every life no matter how big or how small deserve our respect. This is cold hearted and cruel. I hope these to scum bags get what they deserve. And God help that innocent pup. All that pain, he could have attacked them both, but he didn't. I hope you two low life rot.

Lyn Parry

03 Temmuz 2017 Pazartesi 01:13

I am sorry I do not speak Turkish but hope very much that the government will prosecute these thugs. I am sure the majority of Turkish people would be appalled by the animal cruelty of these thugs.


21 Nisan 2017 Cuma 18:45

Vinnie perri


21 Nisan 2017 Cuma 18:44

Judi perri


21 Nisan 2017 Cuma 18:42

Tami perri


15 Nisan 2017 Cumartesi 22:51

these cruel ****s should be punished to the full extent of the law and banned from ever owning another animal.


15 Nisan 2017 Cumartesi 18:46


Victoria Leigh USA

15 Nisan 2017 Cumartesi 11:03

Cut these Boys ears off they are weak to be doing this to a innocent dog they belong in Jail please find them and arrest these guys for cruelty and slice their ears off just like they did.


06 Nisan 2017 Perşembe 20:45

Araceli Pimentel


09 Mart 2017 Perşembe 07:34

Espero se haga justicia

April Kara

07 Mart 2017 Salı 13:26



07 Mart 2017 Salı 07:24

Si hay pagina o link para denunciar estos casos decidme porque no desistire en hacerlo.no dire lo q se merecen porque es ponerme a su mismo nivel y me dan asco


04 Mart 2017 Cumartesi 09:45

Merecen castigo


03 Mart 2017 Cuma 01:18

Estos malnacidos NO MERECEN VIVIR.J U S T I C I A Y A !!!!!


02 Mart 2017 Perşembe 01:45

No soy del país . Pero se merecen un castigo ejemplar. Yo le haría lo mismo que le han hecho al pobre animal


01 Mart 2017 Çarşamba 01:53

María piñera


14 Şubat 2017 Salı 08:27

Maya cohen

sergio oigres

09 Şubat 2017 Perşembe 11:08

I wish a painful death to you and your family...


04 Şubat 2017 Cumartesi 00:24

Miguel mamani


04 Şubat 2017 Cumartesi 00:23

Miguel ángel mamani cruz

Sean Murphy

03 Şubat 2017 Cuma 02:26

Bu iğrenç ve adaletin sunulması gerekiyor. İki adam kilitlenmeli ve unutulmalı.


31 Ocak 2017 Salı 16:07

Hope these 2 were given the death sentance. If they dont get killed Turkey will be looked down upon by the western world and will never be allowed into the EU. Kill Kill Kill

Stacey Arnold

31 Ocak 2017 Salı 14:59

So completely disgusting.


31 Ocak 2017 Salı 14:55


jacqueline dieter

30 Ocak 2017 Pazartesi 01:19

these cruel ****s should be punished to the full extent of the law and banned from ever owning another animal.


29 Ocak 2017 Pazar 17:17

Any updates as to if anything happened to the two idiots ? were they arrested ? brought to court or jail ?


29 Ocak 2017 Pazar 17:15

Do we have any updates as to what happened w those two idiots ? were they brought to court or jail ? can aynone give some updates please ?


29 Ocak 2017 Pazar 05:13



26 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 18:58

Animal should never suffer


26 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 18:56

They should be punish ..dont ever hurt an animal


26 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 18:42

Dont hurt animals please put them in jail both of them


26 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 16:43



25 Ocak 2017 Çarşamba 19:55

I hope they cut their ears off


24 Ocak 2017 Salı 20:16

What happened with this two finally? Why from 1 mln signings, now is two millions??? Is this some kind of joke???

C Carr

24 Ocak 2017 Salı 20:10

Not only is this heinously cruel, the act of publishing the crime is also criminal, abusive and exhibits criminal intent of intimidation and cruelty. PUNISH THEM TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW. Is there anyone in their municipality that can get the dog to hel?

Anna Mortensen

24 Ocak 2017 Salı 02:05

WTH is going on with people????????? How could anyone do something like that to that poor baby???????????? HOOOOOOOWWWWW T F ???????????

Animal Abuse

24 Ocak 2017 Salı 00:05

Animal Abuse is so appalling & mentally painful. It reeks havoc within the depths of my soul. Thru tears I claim an eye for an eye. In my heart I claim punishment by death. In my soul if I could enter their world would go there & hell would go w / me. My prayer is for the survival & justice for this defenseless blessing. One day they will stand before God. Until then it is my prayer they suffer.

Sarah Martin

23 Ocak 2017 Pazartesi 17:34

So what are the people local to these vile thugs doing about them? Surely there is someone out there in their community that will give them a kicking? Can anyone say what has happened to the dog? Please God I hope there's someone out there who has sufficient humanity to help the poor creature. I've never seen anything more pitiful - the Turkish people have been tainted by these disgusting excuses for human beings - I am utterly appalled

those bastards

24 Ocak 2017 Salı 01:59

i want them to be arrested for this and the animal taken away from them, cruel bastards and a jail sentance go save that animal bastards i hope that get whats coming to them in prision and take that animal of them safe that dog.

catricca tippin

24 Ocak 2017 Salı 00:01

No one in America blames anyone except the two cowards who did this horrible thing to this poor helpless animal, they are cowards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Screw both of them

23 Ocak 2017 Pazartesi 07:29

Isaac Gonzalez

Doris P. Telles

23 Ocak 2017 Pazartesi 07:05

Please prosecute and/or put them in a mental institution. What they did is cruel and very sick. I hope somebody was able to help the dog.


23 Ocak 2017 Pazartesi 04:33

What is the hold up,,,in America where I am from, these punks would of been charged with the crime already,,,We are just getting started,,over one million names have signed,,we wont stand for this stuff and ASK the Country of Turkey to charge these punks.We will not set and watch this go unpunished....


23 Ocak 2017 Pazartesi 04:27

Neset Yaman, Hasan Kuzu these are morons and an Arabic primitive conditions what one can see after faces

Jackie Barker

23 Ocak 2017 Pazartesi 00:19

Please add me to the partition.

Camila pavez alarcon

22 Ocak 2017 Pazar 19:34

Hayvan istismara hayvanlar için adalet


22 Ocak 2017 Pazar 17:59


22 Ocak 2017 Pazar 17:41

Same punishment with the perpetrators. Cut ears and righteousness for the defenseless beast. No tolerance and no mercy for such filthy pigs in our society. Why not take a bear? Then your ears would be gone. Strong guys, respect.

Pete Billing

22 Ocak 2017 Pazar 15:59

This is the worst form of criminal behaviour because the victim (the dog) is both defenceless and innocent. What might these people do to a person who is defenceless? They should be brought to justice and the dog should be fond and given medical attention, if it is still alive. Shame on them!


22 Ocak 2017 Pazar 14:31

Put the thugs on to an island and leave them there to die

Amanda ventura

22 Ocak 2017 Pazar 13:06

tez Onlar toplumun savunmasız ve korunmasız üyelerine Onların dikkatini çevirmek önce sadece bir zaman meselesi gibi topluluk omuz paniğe çok tehlikeli insanlardır. proaktif olmak ve onlar eylemlerinin sonuçlarını acı olun. Translate these are very dangerous men your community should be alarmed as it is only a matter of time before they turn their attention to defenseless and vulnerable members of your society. be proactive and ensure they suffer the consequences of their actions


22 Ocak 2017 Pazar 12:24

Maledetti bastardi a morte!!


21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 23:30

Ítéljék el őket

Ceylan Haksever

21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 23:09



21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 21:46

Antonia reeynes


21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 20:07

This is absolutely disgusting. These guys should go to jail for animal abuse. I honestly can't believe why people would do this...


21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 20:06

They should spend life in prison


22 Ocak 2017 Pazar 09:15

Police, court... nah... they could just meet with a tragic, agonizing fatal 'accidnet'


21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 19:58

DeY mUsT b HaNgEd uP

Sanne schipper

21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 18:57

Just horrible

21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 18:31



21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 18:05

This is so sad and so cruel, and it makes your country look bad too. Something should be done to people who did this.

M connolly

21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 19:03

Disgusting, I'm so upset and feel sick at seeing this cruelty and violence, I can't believe a human could do this to an innocent beautiful helpless dog. Worthless thugs,and cruelest of the cruel.

Breton, Doris

21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 17:40

DO TO THEM what they did to that poor helpless German Sheppard so they will know what it feels like...

Kristina gineviciute

21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 17:05

Make them feel the same pain, I'm very very sad :(((


22 Ocak 2017 Pazar 17:05

I have not been able to forget this image since I saw it. These mindless, ignorant thugs must be caught and punished. If nothing is done to apprehend these sick people then it will reflect very badly indeed on Turkey, its people and its government. Find them, shame them, make an example of them. This cannot be allowed to happen again.

Olga Petrova

21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 16:51

They are MONSTERS !!!!

Melissa F

24 Ocak 2017 Salı 04:42

THUGS' HIDEOUS, OUTRAGEOUS CRIME WILL NOT GO UNPUNISHED! A FINE IS NOT ENOUGH!! Those devils must be shunned and Severely Punished by the surrounding Community--if their Local Law does not handle it! How could ANYONE call themselves a 'human being' and commit such a HORRENDOUS act against a living, feeling, defenseless, innocent animal?! I ASK EVERYONE NOW: WHERE IS THIS LITTLE DOG?!! DID ANY Human Being Step Forward to HELP THIS LITTLE SUFFERING Puppy?! This will reflect on Turkey - Not Good!

Karol Mores

21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 16:34


Karole Mores

21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 16:34


Nikita Nieuwenhuys

21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 15:52

Absolutely shocking!!!!


21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 15:52

This pair are utterly disgusting excuses for human beings. They have disgraced the people of turkey. They are quite proud of what they have done. Friends and family must do the right thing and make them pay for what they have done!


21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 23:17

Cowards. Picking on a helpless dog. Come I thug you and your ears . your ****. And your fricken hands. you both will pay huge for this Loooooooosers!!!!!!

Helen Gee

21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 15:22

This is disgusting. I hope they have the same done to them!

Disgusting act of torture to this defenceless anim

21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 15:02

Solange Graham

Kelly prentice

21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 13:06

Absolutely horrific. Heartbreaking. These disgusting people need to be punished for what they have done!

New Zealand

21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 12:50

They deserve their ears cut off and left to die

Ralf - Scotland

21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 11:43

The world is watching, find them, punish them


21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 11:21



21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 11:10



21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 11:10


Vassilia Edwards

21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 11:04

Çok acimasiz ve inanılmaz. Cezalandırılmaları gerekir.


21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 10:27

dos hijos de las grandes putas

Athena Balogh

21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 08:53

Please prosecute these disgraces!!!


21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 08:40

United States


21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 08:19

I am not sure how to sign a petition here, but think this is absolutely horrific! The perpetrators definitely deserve a very harsh penalty..ie...significant jail time. If they can do this, I guarantee they will do worse things in the future. Sick...that's all i have...


21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 06:55

Wtf. Disgusting n with the evidence video n ****ture of the cruelity to this animal , can u not just go to the authorities?


21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 06:53

Show the world your country will not tolerate such cruelty. Cot off their hands and ears as an example to others to stop crimes against animals

Roger Tyras

21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 05:19

Roger Tyras

animal lover

21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 04:53

lets cut there ears off!! slowly with a dull knife and then take ****tures!!! then have them fight for there life like they did that puppy!! I pray the worst punishment possible come to these to sorry excuses for men! if action isn't taken shame on whoevers feet that lays at.


21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 04:39

I hope this poor dog has been rescued. I cannot think of anything that would be justifiable punishment for these two cretens. Cutting their ears off just doesn't seem enough!

Cynthia Bergamo

21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 04:27

I pray these cowardly bullies are brought to justice. I pray the dog goes to a loving home.


21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 04:25

Sara Wood


21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 04:14

je leurs couperai leurs couilles pour leurs mettre dans leurs bouche de merde comme sa ils serons ce que sa fais de couper et de faire souffrire une bette sans défense .


21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 03:59

who are these guys to do such a thing. They should be punished for life and have their hands cut off and their ears cut off with a knife. Go to jail and live on bread and water all their days. Pay the vets bill and make them write a sorry letter to the original owner of the dog. They are cowards and don't have a heart. Punish them with no Tv and radio and have them tied up for a day and let them squirm.


21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 03:48

Monsters need to go to jail for this basta


21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 15:41



21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 03:33

Kill the bastard "children." before they do this to a HUMAN BEING. Junior terrorists in the making.

These boys need to be hung!

21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 03:24

Kyleen Edmonton Alberta Canada


21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 03:05

Has the dog ****ten medical help? How is he doing?


21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 02:55



21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 02:41

Lauralea franklin

arthur warwick

21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 02:35

hanging is too good for these monsters

Susan USA

21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 02:06

They belong in hell. Please tell me this dog has been rescued!?


21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 00:40

Cut their ears off!


21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 00:19

This is absolutely horrible!!!!


21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 02:22

Please show your support to ensure these monsters are brought to justice as soon as possible. Their actions are barbaric and unacceptable and justice must be accomplished, in accordance with Turkish laws (specifically Article 8 of the Law of Protection of Animals no. 5199, which prohibits the removal of a dog’s ears, tails, nails, teeth and vocal cords under any circumstances)Demand justice for this badly abused dog. Thank you!


21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 00:09

How can anyone do that to a dog and listen to it screaming? Psychopaths the pair of them. They and any others who do things like this should be locked in mental institutions before they do something like this to a human, (they often do). Why do we let these people in our country? (UK).

Jana Vaňková

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 23:50



20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 23:24


S. Price

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 22:54

They need to be arrested but I think their lobes should be cut off as well...hand for a hand. Animals come more often on 2 legs than 4. They should also have tatoo's put on the back of their hands to identify them as animal mutilators so no one will sell or give them a pet again in their life

Rita Milburn

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 22:41

Hang these bastards from their balls and cut their ears off with a dull knife!! Sick, demented SOB's!!! Please help this poor dog!!!

Chi O

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 22:10


Nicholas S. De Falco

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 21:45

They should both have their ears cut off...no anesthesia, no medical care...tied up like that poor, defenseless creature of God. They should, then, be put up for display so that others will see the punishment they will receive if they do the same thing. Justice MUST be served!!!


20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 21:30


Sylvia Allen

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 21:23

I am totally disgusted and upset by what these two pieces of scum did to the poor dog! I hope they are prosecuted, but If I had my way I wouldn't just cut their ears off. I would cut them into pieces and feed them to the dog!! I pray someone has rescued the poor animal and taken it to a vet and safety.


20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 20:57

Maria catarina jacome


20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 20:43

Scott Saward


20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 23:58

This deed is intolerable. These cruel guys must be punished and taken to court. Please do this poor dog justice.

London, UK

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 20:40

The Death Penalty for these men. Nothing less. Just imagine the unspeakable agony they inflicted on this poor defenceless creature. It must never, ever, be allowed to happen again!


20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 20:35



20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 20:34

Samarth Baru

Why havent anyone killed them yet!!! Cut their fuc

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 20:31

Madeleine S Scott


20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 20:02



20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 19:56

mail to you, I was the Vietnam. their actions caused the dog is cruel and inhuman, hoping the president might consider and purge us of this demon ...

euthanize these so called humans

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 19:45

Sonia arroyo


20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 18:57

Dear God in heaven! If someone ever did that to a dog around me, I'd kill em. Fact. Just hope it never happens because that is what will happen.


21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 05:17


Ketil W.

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 19:53

i would do the same with the 2. persons like they do to the dog, cut they ears off.Eye for and eye and tooth for tooth. Bad,crazy, stupid, idiots people who do this to the dog. Hope they end up in jail

Lisa Stokely

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 18:45

Punish these boys - this is terrible! Help that poor dog!

Punish the jerks do the same to them

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 18:06

Do the same to them and never let them near a dog again! And you wonder why we don't want people like that in the US We have enough of them over here

Lady Roshan Reddaway

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 17:50

Turkey should be ashamed that this sort of behaviour is accepted, and is thought to be something to show off. It is disgusting beyond words, it is inhumane and it will only make people thing very badly of the Turkish people. These two men should be severely punished, they should be made an example of. And the dog must be taken from them and treated for its wounds. And as for dog fighting, it is sickening that it is still happening in what we consider a civilised country.

S Martin - UK

23 Ocak 2017 Pazartesi 17:55

Dear Lady Reddaway - would it be possible to find out what has happened to this dog? - the p****os are truly pitiful and it would bring some peace of mind to know that the dog is no longer at the mercy of these vile thugs.Are there any charities there that are working to eradicate these sub human practices?Kind Regards - S Martin

Absolutely UNEXCEPTABLE!!!!!

21 Ocak 2017 Cumartesi 02:19

I request that these two inhumane pieces of crap be brought to justice

Sam Bullough

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 17:26

What disgusting example of how humans treat other animals, never mind other humans.... I'm disgusted...In some countries, if you are caught stealing, your hand would be cut off, if u're caught stealing again, ur 2nd hand will be cut off.. it's barbaric... is this the sort of punishment these thugs think they are applying to this helpless animal? A fine doesn't seem appropriate.. if this is allowed to continue, or is overlooked, what kind of treatment will they inflict on fellow human beings??


20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 16:56



20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 16:44

Please please punish those boys. Save that dog and rescue the others from the fights. This makes me sick!


20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 16:44

Please please punish those boys. Save that dog and rescue the others from the fights. This makes me sick!


20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 16:36

Magos Jimena moreno


20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 16:20

Bitte bestrafen Sie diese kranken Menschen, damit es auch zzur Abschreckung dient, und andere wehrlose Tiere nicht mehr sso bestialisch gequält werden. Vielleicht kann diesem armen Wesen dann doch noch durch Tierschützer geholfen werden.


20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 16:14

Eye for the eye, ear for the ear... like in Koran.


20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 16:06

Please punish them and get this poor dog treatment. It seems a puppy. So sad and ugly. Kill the Bastards! Is this the KORAN? Shame on your religion BAH


20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 15:53

I feel physically sick at what i have just read/seen. What vile ****ing humans they must be. I hope they get the worst punishment possible for hurting such an innocent dog like that. What is this world coming to. Disgusting.


20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 15:27

Please punish them and get this poor dog treatment . It seems a puppy. So sad and ugly, poor doggy. Kill the ****ing BASTARDS.... Is this the KORAN? Shame on your religion BAH

Maria conde

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 17:07

These two pieces of garbage should have their balls cut off in public


20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 14:54



20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 14:53

Do the same thing to those guys!


20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 14:10

Gill England

Clyde Ryder

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 13:12

Butun dunya Isparta ve Turkiye'yi bu rezil haberle biliniyorsa yapilmasi gereken tum dunyaya bu utancin dolu dolu cezanlandirildigini bildirmektir.


20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 13:00

Fucking disgusting

Tess Jones

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 12:58

Punish them properly

Lou Lowton

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 12:54

These men must be imprisoned - a fine is not enough. The dog must be found

Danna berry

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 12:53

Danna berry


20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 12:52

They should be punished


20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 12:50



20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 11:56


Sue Smith

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 11:46

Punish them please

Emma maynard

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 11:42

Made me so sad poor beautiful dog

Taylor Mills

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 11:35

This breaks my heart

Leigh Giddy

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 11:17

No! This is torture and awful


20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 10:54

Please do something to punish these criminals! What they did was beyond cruel and shows they are psychopaths! They need to be locked away. I hope this poor dog is taken care of and is safe.


20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 09:38


Laura McNeil

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 09:11

please punish them and get this poor dog treatment

Gabby diaz

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 08:52

Poor baby :(

Sonja Parker

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 08:11

I pray they get these two monsters for the horrible cruel thing they did to that poor dog. My heart bleeds for the poor dog

Lexi Reed

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 07:43

Thank you to the citizens who cared about the abused and wounded dog to report such a heinous act of cruelty. Thank you also to the Mayor of Isparta for enforcing the law to punish the criminals, and for all individuals involved in seeking justice. The ****ture ripped my heart out; I felt so shocked and sad to see it. Does anyone have an update on the health of the dog?

Haley t

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 07:34

Disgusting actions.. they need to be punished


20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 07:28

Forget jail, tie them up w/ a chain, lop their ears off w/ no anesthetic, and abandon them in the desert.


20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 07:28

Please bring justice to these horrible people for what they did to this poor defenseless dog!

Lisa Ratliff

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 07:21

What is the status of this precious, baby dog?? Can anyone tell us if he received treatment? I wish to adopt him and bring him home with me. As to these bloodthirsty little bastards, cut their ears off and throw them in the harshest prison in your country.. They are little serial killers in the making. No mercy for them!! Update on the dog, please!

What an assholes

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 07:08


C athy

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 06:59

this teach you the Koran??/ Bastard hope get punisment for this Animmal many time better like human

Your done!

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 06:22


Christine Lombardo

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 06:19

No words could describe my emotions over this. This is heartbreaking and utterly disgusting. These sick humans deserve a far worse punishment than I am sure the law could provide. Please make them pay for their actions.

Sarah dean

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 06:05

Sarah dean


20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 06:03

Please bring justice to them!!!!


20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 04:51

I can't read this page, but hope my comment goes on. These two are a sign of the way the youth of today have no m****s. I always believed anyone who owned a pet, learnt how to respect all living creatures. These two deserve to be stripped and thrown to a pack of wild dogs/wolves or similar, with no escape. As one poster said, it is not what I would like to see if I visited turkey.

donna cole

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 04:28

you ****ing little pussies. your shit and need to pay for what you've done. thrown in prison to rot be neglected and abused! I hope you pay with your lives. rotton scum!


20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 04:16

Cut their ears off.


20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 04:05


Ken Noon

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 04:02

Cut their ears off also. Freaks deserve it!!!

Mrs. Smith

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 04:00

Absolutely disgusting

Julie minton

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 03:42

Cruel badtards! Rot in hell!!

Nika Sanguellini

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 03:41

Disgusting pigs

63 Canyon Dawn Ave

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 03:08

Kodi Reed

Jackson Barnum

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 02:53

Jackson Barnum


20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 02:38

Sina Johnson

lisa sinclair

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 01:51



20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 02:59

i ws nearly in tears when i saw this poor suffering dog, which i have no doubt will never be taken to a vet,they probably abandoned it to dye or try and fix its ears themselves, wot pleasure do these sick bastaeds get out off tthis?? i would be cutting more than thier ears!!! lets hope they catch them and put them in a cage in prison. plz if you are a friend off these animals on facebook, and have a dog plz report them, you dont have to give your name. DO IT NOW, if you love animals.

Buddy Greenbudz

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 01:45

I will kill these ****ers for what they did. Come to America and cut my dogs ears off and I'll cut your ****s off and shove them down each others throats. Then cut their ears off and then kill both them. But my dog will prolly kill them first

margaret thomson,scotland.uk.do it now

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 03:08

i hate these people! if i caught them i would be cutting off more that thier ears and it would give me great pleasure in doing it. i am a dog lover, and these animals have facebook friends, plz 1 off you tell the police where they are, you dont have to give your name.plz if you ao any off thier friends on FB report them b 4 they do it again,and they will if they are not stopped DO IT NOW PLZ!!!!!

Simona dafina

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 01:41


this is insane

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 01:35



20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 01:33

Ben kötü diliyorum


20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 01:26



20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 01:18

This is inhumane


20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 01:16

Samantha Vincent


20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 01:08

Destiny Dingle


20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 01:08

for these low, stupid, ignorant, idiots. Cut there ****es off without pain killers.

Poppy Brewer

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 00:59

Bring justice for this poor defenseless dog

Rana Doğan

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 00:51

Allah sizin belanızi versin serefsizler

connie anne mariedonaldson

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 00:24

iam singhing this because its very worng for what those people did to the dog how would they like their rears cut off

Cindy montesano

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 00:05

The goodness of our people can be measured with the way we treat those who can not defend themselves. This can not be tolerated or accepted. Please hold these disgusting excuses for human beings responsible for their des****able actions.

Margaret Ogburn

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 00:04

These scum deserve to be dragged through the streets tied to a horse

Denise Halliwell

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 00:03

I am horrified that two grown men could do this to an innocent dog. They are disgusting des****able scum. They should be taken to prison and someone cut their ears and any other extemeities with no anaesthetic and leave them to bleed to death. The Turkish police should find these men and they should be punished. Its not a good advertisement for tourists to visit Turkey is this sort of thing is going on.


19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 23:53

Find this dog and take it away to a loving home and make sure these pieces of shit pay for what they've done.

Alison Allen

19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 23:44

Sick b*******, they don't deserve to walk this earth, hope they rot in hell!


19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 23:35

Deberían dar igual castigo cortarles las orejas y las manos para que dejen de hacer maldad a seres vivos


19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 23:33

Gabrielle Rowe


19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 23:21

No man, woman, child or animal should have to undergo what that poor creature went through.

Kathryn Hernandez

19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 23:19

These bastards should be in jail


19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 23:12

please punish them


19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 22:58

Bu haydutların kulakları kesilmeli


19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 22:46

These people are inhuman, I hope they suffer the same pain that this poor dog suffered. They should be banned from EVER owning ANY type of animal FOR LIFE!!!!!They MUST be convicted & given the harshest punishment possible!!!!!


19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 22:43

His hair looks like a toupee and his lips are crustier than the poor dogs ears. In fact his own ears look like those deformed belly buttons that stick out and his nose is bigger than his ****. He looks like one of those yankees that ****s their sisters and they both have scatty patchy beards. Neset looks like he's from the slums and Hasan looks like some hillbilly emo kid that **** bullied at school. No wonder why they wanted attention so badly, they should have just killed themselves instead.


19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 22:43

These two ugly munters need to be raped in jail until they get prolapses and bleed out. They've already caused enough harm before hurting that poor dog by the people who've had to look at their ugly faces. Neset Yaman looks like his hair is drawn on with permanent marker and has the fashion sense of a hobo. He looks like one of those pedophiles that send young ****s ****tures of their deformed nobs. Hasan Kuzu looks like a deformed mentally challenged version of Freddy Krueger.

tony leon

19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 22:39

get them and cut off their hands


19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 22:37

Disgusting!!! Poor dog


19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 22:34

There ears should be cut off too, those sick ****s.

Ros Bentley

19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 22:27

These buys must be punished.

Jude maddrell

19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 22:22

The same should be done to them....i don't usually think this but these bastards need to be taught a lesson

What if...

19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 22:21

I see, that in the event that Turkey would bring back death penalty - those thugs should be the first ones to be hanged. OR even better, cut their ears off and make them eat them!

Anne Nielsen

19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 22:17

This is horrendous and these people need to be behind bars! People like this cannot walk the streets and need to be punished to the highest extent of the law!! Disgusting.

Turkey wishes to show the world it's a Civalized m

19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 22:10

Joanne steed


19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 21:48

These men have no God, no heart, no soul, no brain, no future, no family!They deserve the hardest sentence!NO human can act like this and not be seen as the filth that swine shit out!They are lower than pig droppings!Throw them away, cut their ears off and leave them tied up in a dog pit!


19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 21:46

What they done to this dog is absolutely disgusting


19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 21:45

What they done to this dog is absolutely disgusting


19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 21:44

What they done to this dog is absolutely disgusting


19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 21:44

What they done to this dog is absolutely disgusting


19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 21:43

What they done to this dog is absolutely disgusting


19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 21:24

The people of Turkey should find these scum and do the same to them, will make sure i never holiday there..


19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 21:23

jail or ear removal for these nasty scumbags


19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 21:06



19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 21:05



19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 21:02


Robyn Harris

19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 21:01

Damn them to hell n cut their ears off

Damn them to hell n cut their ears off

19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 21:01

Robyn Harris


19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 20:43

Find these idiots and cut their ears off

Sheonagh Christie

19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 20:22

OMG! OMG! OMG! I can barely look at these awful ****s, feel sick to my stomach! Poor poor baby!

Alison Hay

19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 20:18

Hang the evil men - I will never go on holiday to Turkey unless these people are caught and jailed.


19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 21:09

It's a very simple thing to say you would never go on holiday to a country because of 2 peoples bad actions, what about the rest of the people in that nation? Let me know where you're from and I bet I can find worse, that way you can move away from home.Don't classify a whole nation because of two people's des****able actions.


19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 20:14

they should punished to the fullest extent of the law!

B Johnson

19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 20:05

I hope Karma will come back to you.


19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 19:37



19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 19:33

Greetings from Lithuania, please found this monsters and do the same for them.


19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 19:18



19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 19:15

Put the Lowlifes in Jail...This is so DISGUSTING!!


19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 19:14

What they done to this dog is absolutely disgusting


19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 19:10


rosie pitcher

19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 19:03

This is diagusting please stop these people


19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 18:37

hang them!


19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 18:25


new york

19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 18:17

Gena Anderson


19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 13:53

şimdi kulak kesenlere 4400 tl ceza kesildi bütün mesele bitti sanırım.malesef memleketimde sorunlar böyle çözülüyor işte. mahallede teksas misali atlar dolaşıyor, sürüyle köpekler dolaşmaya devam ediyor. kimin umrunda.


19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 11:05

Robyn love


19 Ocak 2017 Perşembe 08:54

Margaret Ross

Fatma Varol

18 Ocak 2017 Çarşamba 02:59

En ağır cezayı bekliyoruzzzz!!!!!


18 Ocak 2017 Çarşamba 00:07

Bugün Bu Savunmasız Hayvana Elinde Bıçaklar İle Bunu Yapan Kanı Bozuk Yarın Yine Ellerinde Bıçaklar İle Savunmasız, Güçsüz Bir Kız Çocuğuna Tecavüz Etmeyeceğinin Garantisini Kim Verebil ? Kim Verebilir Ben Söyleyeyim Eğer Bugün Bunlara Hayatları Boyunca Unutamayacakları Bir Ders Verilir İse Ben Eminim Bu Kanı Bozuklar Korkularından Nefes Alırken Bile Kimseyi Rahatsız Etmemeye Çalışacaklardır...

Nermin kacmaz

17 Ocak 2017 Salı 23:55

yeter artik bu dilsiz canlilara yapilan edizet biz nasil müslümaniz allaha inanan onun yaratigina nasil böyle eziyet eder onlarinda bizim gibi duygulari ,hisleri acilari var Allah belanizi versin sizi yetistiren anneninde belasini versinki sizin gibi serefsizler yetistirdi yeter artik hayvanlar icinde kanun cikarin hayvanlara yapilan eziyeti onlarada yapilsin bu caniler toplumda yasamamasi lazim daha neler yaparlar

Yanlız kıral

17 Ocak 2017 Salı 21:39

Evet bu yanlış. Ama unutmayayalımki ısparta belediyesi bir zamanlar bir sürü. Köpekleri. Zehirli uyuşturucu ile öldürüp çöplüklerde imha. Etmişti. Şimdi nasıl olduysa. Başkan hayvan sevgisiyle. Dolmus

Sefa Sedalı

17 Ocak 2017 Salı 21:38

Bu şekilde canavarlaşan kişiler yarın gözünü bile yummadan insanlara karşı canavarlıkta yapabilir acilen ceza verilip ıslah edilmeli

Gülşen Adabaş

17 Ocak 2017 Salı 21:36

Böylelerinin aileleri cahil oldukları için bunlar gibi ****, tecavüzcü, terörist eksik oluyor.CAHİL İNSANLAR KESİNLİKLE ÜREMEMELİ; BUNLAR GİBİLERDEN ÇIKICAK NESİL ENGELLENMELİ! BÖYLELERİ KISIRLAŞTIRILMALI!!!!! ALLAHSIZ KİTAPSIZLAR!!!!!!!!

Ihvan Sakirow

17 Ocak 2017 Salı 19:14

buarada iki tane incelenmesi gereken bir durum var, bu cocuklar nasil bu hale geldi, belki de bunu yapabilecek potansiyelde cok daha fazla insan var, bunlar incelenmeli ve insanlardaki bu nefret kaynaklari tespit edilmeli, bu nefret kaynagi medya mi, siyasiler mi, egitim sistemi mi, tekrar tekrar incelenmeli ve recetesi acilen uygulanmali , ne bir kaybedecek insanimiz ne de bir kopegimiz var.

Vatan sever

17 Ocak 2017 Salı 18:47

Verin bize de ikisinin başını ezelim kulaklarını keserim ADALET ORDA DEĞİL BURDA kafasını sıkıştıralım


17 Ocak 2017 Salı 17:22

Canli canli kopegin kulagini kesmisler ellerinde tutuyolar yazik cok yazik o kadar uzuldum ki ne kadar kotu insanlarsiniz siz ya kim bilir nasil debelendi ciglik atti o hayvan o da bir canli ya nasıl ve ne hakla yapiyorsunuz cok kötü insanlarsiniz


17 Ocak 2017 Salı 16:09

Evet mahallede 10 larca at var, sahipsiz başıboş, karda kışda aç dolaşan. bunlarada bir el atın lütfen. belediye başkanlığınızın diktiği bir tane ağaç sağlam değil. hepsi yaralı bereli kırık. sebeb atlar. yazık bu canlıları toplayın. köpeğin kulağını kesenler atlarada zulüm yapıyor.

Hayvan haklari

17 Ocak 2017 Salı 16:06



17 Ocak 2017 Salı 15:50

Geçen ay, yolda aracımla giderken, yol ortasında bir karartı gördüm. Hemen durdum. Yolun ortasında iki tane at. Geçmelerini bekledim. 1-2 dakika tam yolun ortasında durdular. Sahipli ise sahibi nerede. O zaman bende öküz besleyip yolun ortasında tutayım. Ayrıca çimen ve ağaçları bu atlar yiyor.


17 Ocak 2017 Salı 15:26

sayın başkanım mahallede 10 adet başı boş at var onlarada bir el atsanız


17 Ocak 2017 Salı 15:17

Sayın Başkanım Aqua parkın içinde köpekler var bu köpekler bazen dışarı çıkıyor. Bu durumu sizin zabıta müdürünüze ilettim. ancak kendisi zabıtanın köpek toplama gibi bir yetkisinin olmadığını söyledi. burada hala başıboş köpekler var.


20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 17:23

Please find this poor doggie and check if he is ok. Please it's so terrible

Abdrabu Mohamed

20 Ocak 2017 Cuma 14:47

They must receive the same punishment.